Collection: Carl Kravats

Over the last 50 years Carl developed a diverse portfolio of projects, including photographing country fairs, parades, and marches in New York City and New England. He's had the pleasure of working with actors, models, sports figures, and entertainers from porn stars to cast members of Saturday Night Live. He has photographed more than 200 paperback book covers, mostly for Simon & Schuster.

In 2004, after having way too much fun int he Big Apple, he headed west for Southern California where his passion turned to travel and food photography. Carl has photographed 8 cookbooks and in between, traveled to Ethiopia, Myanmar, India (twice), Romania, and all throughout Mexico. Now based in Southern California, he is leaning towards his "Fine Artist" side and creating a unique twist on "deconstructed" flowers. Using his digital creativity, he's discovered ways to tantalize the senses and effectively move the imagination of the viewer. 

"He is forever seeking new subjects, new experiences, ways to be happy, having fun, and being creative"